After they create a case for you, ask to be transferred to level 2 support. The i2000 series come with a 3 year warranty so you should be good on support/hardware replacement (aka AUR - Advanced Unit Replacement) Have your serial # ready (it's on the bottom of the scanner unfortunately). If all else fails, call Kodak Alaris (new name for Kodak) 1-80. If successful, you'll see a notification on your PC stating "New Hardware Installed!" and your light should turn from RED to GREEN. However, allow the scanner a few seconds (usually about 15 sec) to negotiate with your PC and attempt to connect with the drivers. When you first turn on the scanner after the install, it will initially be RED. Only until after you have installed the programs will you turn on the scanner.

DO NOT uninstall your current drivers as the new drivers will update your old ones. Turn off your scanner, download and install the drivers as well as the Smart Touch program. Just type in "Kodak i2600 drivers" into Google and the first search result will be the homepage for the scanner. I don't feel like searching for them personally. You can attempt to re-install the Kodak drivers from their website. A windows update, installed some sort of new software, etc etc?)? If not, have you updated anything on your PC (e.g. If so, have you updated your Kodak drivers recently? A Red arrow can mean that the USB cable is unplugged, or the scanner does not see or cannot connect to the Kodak drivers on your PC, or a mechanical issue with the scanner. Unfortunately it can mean a lot of things.